Shrubs Summer Sensation

Date Posted:30 December 2014 

Shrubs ... the Elizabeth Taylor of the drinks world
Shrubs, or Drinking Vinegars, are this year's Summer Sensation
Well, everyone is definitely talking about them!  Australian Gourmet Traveller has just featured our Shrubs in their December issue

The Elizabeth Taylor of the drinks world, Shrubs are both tart and sweet, a refreshing quencher for the sophisticated palate.

Shrubs, also known as drinking vinegars, derive from the original methods of fruit preservation in colonial era U.S. They have now been reinvented to offer lively combinations of intense fruit essence and tart acidity. A Shrub is a combination of sweet and savoury flavors: vinegars, sugar and fruits, aromatics and tart essences.

Many Shrubs are produced using a cold-press technique to maintain the bright, zesty flavors that are damaged by heat-based extractions. With natural ingredients and sweeteners, our Shrubs are a high quality alternative to soft drinks this summer. Shrubs contain no alcohol, so are great for when you want to give your liver a rest!  As Shrubs are natural and contain no preservatives, they must be refrigerated after opening.

How are Shrubs used? 

Easy! Use them when you require a sour element to your cocktails or make delicious, unique, non-alcoholic drinks. Just add soda water - either ready-made or using your home soda maker. Or add into your cocktails for that special zing.

 Use as an ingredient to your dressings and marinades - or put them on ice cream and desserts. Be creative!  For ideas, you may want to check our recipe e-book: Shrubs, The Secret Ingredient  available on our store for $7.95.

The Offer:
 FREE Shipping for a purchase of 3 or more items from our Shrubs range

Purchase three or more items from our Shrubs range, and shipping is FREE. That is a saving of $9.95 off your total order.
Offer ends January 15, 2015.  When ordering, please be sure to enter the coupon code below  to get your discount.

Coupon Code: SHR1214

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